Challenge 1: Stopping the first line one area short of a full row saves one mirror and changes direction the same way as the two-mirror “V” arrangement. Putting the mirrors outside of the large triangle provides a way to move from one row to a parallel row. Other solutions are possible.
Challenge 2: My solution is a terribly boring zigzag search pattern. If you came up with a more imaginative approach, give yourself some bonus points.
Challenge 3: This solution combines some of the techniques seen in the solution to Challenge 1. It uses both of the pre-positioned mirrors.
Challenge 4: I found it easy to solve this one, but I often developed more complicated solutions. This solution is pretty straightforward.
Challenge 5: This solution introduces a new mirror angle. The beam travels through the middle of all 22 areas without leaving the large triangle. The two straight sections near the projector and the receiver must be at the start and end of the beam. Too many mirrors are needed to get back out of these sections.