A 'mental blocks' puzzle is a movable maze that will put your visualization skills to the test. It also requires logical thinking, focus, and at least short-term memory.
In each puzzle you must find your way from the Enter/Exit square (at the top left) to the treasure and back to the starting location to win. The shaded areas are huge blocks. You can push a block if there is an empty square on the other side of it. Neither you nor the blocks can move through the outside walls or through another block. When you move a block, it must move the entire length of a square.
Mental Blocks Mini Puzzle 1
The only move you can make at the start is push block C south. If you then push block D east, you will find that it is a trap. So continue to push block C south all the way to the bottom. Two more moves get you to the treasure.
Mental Blocks Mini Puzzle 2
Your first move must be either block A or block B; let's try A. Then pushing block E south (even one square) is a trap. Try pushing block D south. Two more moves get you to the treasure.
Mental Blocks Mini Puzzle 3
Your first possible moves are to push block B or block D south. Go ahead and push both blocks. Don't push block E to the east! Push block C instead, then F. If you did it right, you are on the way to victory.
Mental Blocks Mini Puzzle 4
You may want to print this one out and use coins to keep track of the moves. This one gets a little complicated. Don't fall for any traps that block you from moving where you need to go. Push block C for your first move.