Answers to Cryptic Crossword Puzzle #9
- FALSE (anagram of SAFE around L means not right)
- FLAT (two definitions: Apartment; blow-out)
- ELAPSE (anagram of ASLEEP means pass time)
- EVE (name of the first lady is on inside of 'nEVEr')
- EAU (homophone of 'owe' is water in French)
- ROTTEN (a word for spoiled is at heart of 'peROT TENds')
- SARI (anagram of AIRS is what Indian women put on)
- PADRE (PAD (bachelor apartment) + RE (concerning) = priest)
- BRIGHTEST (BEST (paramount) holds RIGHT to form most dazzling)
- ARENA (anagram of NEAR A means stadium)
- HEED (HE (that man) + ED (Mr. McMahon) = notice)
- SILAGE (anagram of A LEG IS means fermented fodder)
- PEA (green vegetable hidden in 'graPE Arbor')
- IVY (homophone of 'I.V.' (into bloodstream) means plant that climbs)
- PURELY (reversal of UP + RELY (count) = with no contamination)
- SEES (homophone of 'seize' (snatch) means watches)
- SERFS (homophone of 'surfs' (plays on the Web) means medieval subjects)
- FEES ('F' + reversal (up) of SEE (to look) = profesional charges)
- A LA (homophone of 'Allah' (God) means in the style of)
- LAURIE (anagram of I LURE A is a girl's name)
- SPRIG ('N' removed from SPRING (season is a bit of parsley)
- ESOPHAGUS (anagram of AESOPS HUG means gullet)
- FETA (cheese is centerpiece of 'caFE TAble')
- LET (second half of 'balLET' means rent)
- AVERSE (A + VERSE (poem) = opposed to)
- TENET (TENT (circus venue) has 'E' (Einstein's first) and means principle)
- ARRIVE (A + RR (railroad) + IVE = come to)
- DEEPER (reversal of EPEE (sword) in DR means farther in)
- BASIS ('B' (second grade) + IS contains (accepted) AS = foundation)
- THERE (homophone of 'their' (of those people) means that place)
- NAPS (most of CSPAN reversal (retrospective) means sleeps)
- DAYS (homophone of 'daze' (stupor) means Doris and Dennis)
- LYE (odd letters of 'LaYmEn' makes sodium hydroxide)
- ELF (reversal of FLEA minus A makes brownie)
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