About Perplexercises
About Brain Trainer
Brain Functions
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- How to Order -
Brain Trainer and/or Perplexercises
Electronic Books (PDF format)
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To obtain a copy of either or both e-books (electronic copies you can use on your computer or reading tablet) send an email to my home email address (not the address on our contact page). To determine the proper address rearrange the seven puzzle pieces shown below. If you get the color spectrum lined up properly, you'll see my 8-letter name @ 8-letter ISP plus ".net"

Be sure your email is sent from the address that you want the book(s) sent to. I will not send you any junk mail and ask that you do the same for me.
Brain Trainer ebook
If you'd like a copy of Brain Trainer, be sure to say so in your email to me.
Perplexercises ebook
If you'd like a copy of Perplexercises, be sure to say so in your email to me.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ebooks over paper?
Paperback versions are no longer available.
No mail delays - download it now.
Color illustrations
Point-and-click links to hints and answers
You get a huge discount over the cost of the printed book.
Text and pictures are resizable on your viewing screen.
Use a printer attached to your computer to print any pages you want to work on paper.
Heavily formatted pages sometimes display poorly on smaller Kindle and Nook screens.
Text does not reflow like it does in EPUB, AZW, and other ebook formats.
Writing answers on the screen kind of ruins it.